Friday, November 4, 2011

Hopefully Optimistic

Though I am a strong, intelligent woman, I am too often a bit naive, laughing heartily and crying quickly. I become misty eyed over the evening news and laugh at the obscure. I am a realist who chooses to see the glass as half full, rather than half empty. I am complex with simple needs. I am contradiction.

While I sometimes stay up wayyy too late, I dream with my eyes wide open. I am a hopeful romantic, passionate about any and every thing in which I believe or take an interest. I sometimes trip over my own feet, and I talk in my sleep. I am as playful as I am serious. I seek solitude yet rarely find it. I am a musician without an instrument. I am an unprofessed poet. I am a day dreamer in search of a word smith. I am a creative soul with a free spirit, yet I crave structured security. I am as confident in my insecurities as I am hesitant of my certainties. I am as predictable as the unpredictable. I am an enigma. Because I am intuitive, I am overly sensitive, more than a lil' emotional, and sometimes somewhat irrational.

As selflessly as I offer ALL of myself, I selfishly take it ALL away. While I am indecisive and fly by the seat of my pants, I've a keen sense of direction. I am fearless in the face of adversity, yet skeered of the unknown.   I am one woman with the strength of humanity, powerless to surrender. 

I LOVE deeply and hurt equally. I am high energy but low maintenance. I exude happiness, even when not so happy. I am uninhibited, yet reserved. While I am spontaneously quick-witted, I am at peace with the quiet, yet blast my MUSIC!! I need wide open space, yet truly don't want to be alone.

In reflection I've come to recognize that a strength can equally be a weakness, and while I often come up short of personal expectations,I remind myself that I am rewarded in my infinite quest for life, love, friendships, and laughter with an overwhelming gift of childlike quality...  Hopeful Optimism.